
  • now
    full-stack developer
    at Ask for the moon (Paris, France)
    Web development of a solution using AI to facilitate the flow of knowledge in organizations.
  • 2024
    Sabbatical break
    Learning new skills, travel, music, sports, freelance work.
  • 2023
    Full-stack software engineering consultant
    at Ekimetrics (Paris, France)
    Contributed to SaaS and client products in a data science consulting company.
    TypeScript, React, node.js SQL, MongoDB, Python, GCP.
    • Major contributor to a particularly successful analytics app for L'Oréal. Worked in close association with senior developers, product owner, UI/UX designers following Agile practices,
    • Implemented major features, including advanced dynamic filtering, caching, custom data visualizations in d3.js, performed refactors to follow DDD principles,
    • Meticulously reviewed hundreds of pull-requests and enforced high standards of user-experience, code quality and performance. Identified and fixed several performance bottlenecks (2-4× speedup).
  • 2020
    Micro-services Consulting Internship
    at Nexworld (now part of Onepoint) (Paris, France)
    6 months internship in an IT consulting company.
    • Worked on an application based on the micro-service architecture for example purposes, with several micro-services, deployed on a local Kubernetes cluster,
    • Implemented micro-services following best practices in node.js/TypeScript, Java, C#, with cross-service messaging with Kafka, a React front-end, OAuth2 SSO,
    • Experimented with patterns improving security, reliability.. such as a the service mesh & circuit breaker, and prepared presentations to demonstrate them in action.
  • 2020
    Academic full-stack web app project
    at Polytech Paris-Saclay (Paris, France)
    Academic assignment to build an advanced ticketing system.
    • Specifying the needs and front-end design with fictional clients, and choosing the tools and frameworks.
    • Technical team leader of a team of 6.
    • Development of a back-end REST API with node.js, Express with MongoDB, and a front-end using Vue.js with Bootstrap-Vue (repo).
  • 2019
    Web-development internship
    at Koedia (Barcelona, Spain)
    3 month internship in IT company in the field of tourism.
    • Planning and full-stack development of a dashboard showing filtrable real-time usage & financial data, with high-performance multi-threaded computations,
    • Improving a booking engine back-end service.
  • 2019
    Volunteer Web-Developer In Student Association
    at Forum Entreprises Bac+5 (Paris-Saclay, France)
    Twice the member of team organizing a career fair. Full-stack development of the website of the event. Close to 500 applications for jobs and internships have been gathered from students and transferred to companies through this website over the 2 years.
  • 2018
    IT Intern
    at HK Corp (Paris, France)
    One month internship in a video & music production company.
    • Optimizing accounting workflow: suggested, designed and implemented automation of data fetching from a web API into Excel, saving hours of daily work.
  • 2016
    Web-Development Intern
    at echo-in (Paris, France)
    One month internship in a startup.
    • Building a landing page, customizable by the marketing manager.
    • Writing a web-scraping bot in node.js, for extracting information about live shows from other websites.


  • 2020
    Master of Engineering in Computer Science
    at Polytech Paris-Saclay
    • CS concepts: Networks, Databases, C & C++, Hardware and Software architecture, Advanced OOP & Java, Compiler design, Security, Machine Learning, Big Data, GPU Computing, High-Performance Computing, C#, Data Science, IoT.
    • Other: Communication, Economics, Marketing, Entrepreneurship.
  • 2017
    Polytech Preparatory Course
    at Université Sorbonne Sciences, Paris
  • 2015
    French Baccalauréat in Science
    with honours, at Lycée A. Blanqui, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine



  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • node.js
  • React
  • CSS/Sass
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • Linux
  • git
  • TDD
  • Algorithms


  • Python
  • Rust
  • Angular
  • Svelte
  • Software architecture


  • Kubernetes
  • GCP
  • Vue
  • Data science


  • Attention to detail
  • Agile


English fluent +++++
French native +++++
Polish native +++++
Spanish basic +++
Japanese learning +




References given upon request